Monday, April 26, 2010

Collabortive Writing Project

I think we should all make our own littleshort stories, and then publish them on the internet and try to make alitlle bit of money out of it. I think that this is a good idea because we would be doing a lot of writing, and then we would have the chance at making a little bit of moneyy out of it in the end. Also I think that if we had a chance to make a little bit of money out of it then, we would try a litlle harder to do better on it and make sure that it is the best that it can be. Another cool thing that we could do is everyone writes just one page of a story, and then we combine everyone's pages to make one big story. This we be cool becasue we would all work together to make a nice little story.

Friday, April 23, 2010


In my opinion I think that a lot of this stuff could end up happening. I think a lot of compaines are going to go out and buy eachother companies to make one hugge company. Also another thing that I think will end up happening is the virtually reality stuff. I think by 2050 we will be able to live our own virtual reality life.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Last night I went to track practice and played basketball with the team, after that I went to life time to lift and play a little more basketball. Then I went home took a shower and then went to the lacrosse game with Ryan Carrier. After that I went home did a little bit of home work and then went to bed. This weekend I don’t know what I am going to do yet, hopefully I will find something fun to do. On Monday I am going on my official visit to University of Minnesota Duluth where I will learn a whole lot more about the school, and be able to pick my classes and stuff. I think I will really like the trip because I heard from all of my friends that after you go on this visit…